Get a Text Notification for Tutor Answers

You can get a text on your phone when a tutor answers your eQuestion/responds to your writing lab submission in eTutoring. Here's how:

Click on your name at the top of the screen to go to your user profile.

Profile link

Scroll down to the bottom of the profile and enter your 10-digit cell number in the the Cell field. Pick your cell carrier from the drop-down menu in the Carrier field. Select the checkbox next to either or both Notify me when eQuestions are responded to and/or Notify me when Writing Lab Submissions are responded to.

Text messaging section detail

Go to the bottom of the page. Click the checkbox that you accept all terms and conditions. Finally, click Update Profile to save your changes. You'll receive a text message on your phone alerting you when your question has been answered!

Terms and conditions section detail